home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / HgCdTe (MCT) Photovoltaic / HgCdTe photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors PVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-36

HgCdTe four-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic multi-junction infrared detectorsPVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-36

PVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO8-wZnSeAR-36 and PVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO66-wZnSeAR-36 are four-stage thermoelectrically cooled (4TE) photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability, optically immersed to enhance the parameters. Their specific wavelength (λspec) is 8.0 µm and their optical area (Ao) is 1 mm × 1 mm. The detectors are available in TO8 and TO66 packages with a 3 deg. wedged zinc selenide anti-reflection coated window (wZnSeAR) to prevent unwanted interference effects.


Spectral range: 3.0 to 10.0 µm

Back-side illuminated

Four-stage thermoelectrically cooled

Unique immersion lens technology applied

No bias required

No 1/f noise

No minimum order quantity required


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: CH4, H2S, NO2, SOx

FTIR spectroscopy

Detector configuration

Detector symbol
Detector type
photovoltaic, multi-junction
Active element material epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Cooling 4TE (Tchip ≅ 197 K)
Temperature sensor thermistor
Optical area, Ao 1 mm × 1 mm
Optical immersion hyperhemisphere
Package 4TE-TO8 4TE-TO66
Acceptance angle, Φ ~36 deg.
Window wZnSeAR (3 deg. wedged zinc selenide, anti-reflection coating)


(Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 197 K, Vb = 0 V)

Parameter Value

Min. Typ. Max. -
Cut-on wavelength, λcut-on (10%) - 2.0 - μm
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 7.0±1.0 - μm
Specific wavelength, λspec - 8.0 - μm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) - 9.8 - μm
Detectivity, D* (λpeak, 20 kHz) - 8.0×109 - cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Detectivity, D* (λspec, 20 kHz) 6.0×109 - - cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Current responsivity, Ripeak) - 0.4 - A/W
Current responsivity, Rispec) 0.2 0.25 - A/W
Time constant, τ - 4 - ns
Dynamic resistance, Rd 500 800 - Ω

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 197 K)

Graph showing detectivity (D*) versus wavelength (λ) in micrometers. The curve starts low at 1.0 μm, peaks around 4.5 μm, and declines sharply after 5.5 μm, ending at 10.0 μm. The y-axis ranges from 1E+08 to 1E+10.

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