home-icon/Products / Infrared Detections Modules / InAsSb Multiband Detecti... / InAsSb four-band MWIR detection module 4EF-I-5

Four-band IR detection module based on four-element InAsSb thermoelectrically cooled optically immersed photovoltaic detector4EF-I-5

4EF-I-5 is a four-band IR detection module. A four-element thermoelectrically cooled optically immersed photovoltaic detector, based on InAsSb heterostructure is integrated with a four-channel, transimpedance, DC coupled amplifier and thermoelectric cooler controller.
4EF-I-5 is designed for gas detection applications. Each of the four active elements is paired with an optical filter, allowing for the selective detection of different gases based on their specific absorption spectra.


Integrated TEC controller

Low crosstalk

Compatible with optical accessories

Possibility of selecting various configurations of bandpass filters


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: CH4, C2H6, CO2,CO

Flame and explosion detection

Combustion process control

Emission control (exhaust fumes, greenhouse gases)

Detection module configuration

Detection module symbol 4EF-I-5
Detector type photovoltaic
Active element material epitaxial InAsSb heterostructure
Optical area of single element, Ao 1 mm × 1 mm
Number of elements 4 (2 rows, 2 columns)
Active element pitch  4.5 mm
Optical immersion hyperhemisphere
Cooling 3TE ((Tchip≅230K)
Temperature sensor thermistor
Acceptance angle, Φ ~29 deg.
Window four planar, with band-pass filters

Filter 1: λcwl=3330nm, bandwidth=150nm

Filter 2: λcwl=4260nm, bandwidth=160nm

Filter 3: λcwl=3897nm, bandwidth=74nm

Filter 4: λcwl=4712nm, bandwidth=92nm

Amplifier type four-channel, transimpedance
Signal output and power supply socket WR-MM (female) SMT 690367281676

(mating plug: WR-MM (male) IDC 690157001672)


(Typ., Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 230 K, Rload = 1 MΩ, unless otherwise noted)

Parameter Test conditions, remarks Value Unit
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 -
Active element temperature, Tchip 230 K
Filter centre wavelength, λcwl 3330±30 4260±30 3897±40 4712±40 nm
Detectivity, D* At λ=λcwl, f=10kHz 3.88×1010 4.14×1010 3.37×1010 cm·Hz1/2/w
Output noise voltage density, vn At f=10kHz 390 nV/Hz1/2
Low cut-off frequency, flo DC coupling 0 Hz
High cut-off frequency, fhi 100 kHz
Output impedance, Rout 50 Ω
Output voltage swing, Vout max. ±1 V
Output voltage offset, Voff max. ±20 mV
Power supply voltage (positive), +Vsup, +VTECC +5 V
Power supply voltage (negative), -Vsup -5 V
Power supply current consumption (positive), +Isup max. +1.2 A
Power supply current consumption (negative), -Isup -200 mA

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 230 K)

Spectral graph displaying intensity and detectivity across wavelengths (3.0-5.0 µm) for gases: CH₄, C₂H₆, CO₂, and CO, with color-coded bands. Labels indicate relevant band-pass filters (BPF) and reference values.

Mechanical layout (unit: mm)

Technical drawing of a precision instrument with three perspectives: top, side, and front. The drawing includes detailed measurements, placements of connectors, and channels labeled 1 to 4. Annotations specify dimensions and technical specifications.

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