Product Development
We have extensive research and development facilities and we constantly strive to develop new, unique technologies and products. We are constantly expanding the portfolio of our infrared detectors and modules.
We also offer the possibility of testing devices that are in the prototype stage. Find out more about the products our engineers and scientists are currently working on.

Two-element InAs and InAsSb Photovoltaic IR Detectors for Gas Detection
Two-element, InAs and InAsSb, room temperature and one-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic infrared detectors with bandpass filters.
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Affordable Detection Module
It is an MWIR detector integrated with low noise preamplifier. The miniature module has the dimension of the chip: 10 x 10 x 3 mm. The material used for the production of the active element is InAsSb thanks to which the product is in compliance with RoHS directive and is safe for the consumer market! VIGO Photonics is offering that product to allow customers easy development by using evaluation board with SPI or USB digital output.
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Multielements Devices
VIGO Photonics develop a line of MWIR and LWIR arrays (8-32 elements) and related detection modules. The devices are based on HgCdTe or InAsSb detectors and can be optimized for operation at any wavelength within the 3 to 14 um spectral range. They operate at ambient temperature or with termoelectric coolers. A multielement detector, unlike a single-element detector, allows to record radiation of different wavelengths at the same time.
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InAs/InAsSb SL Technology
Customers’ demands of wider spectral band absorption detectors in MWIR/LWIR region with competitive parameters to MCT technology encouraged VIGO to develop a novel class of materials & detectors. InAs/InAsSb superlattice (SL) based detectors are our response to fully RoHS compliant product designed for operation with thermoelectric coolers (TEC) at HOT conditions.
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Anti-fringing Technology
Laser absorption spectroscopy is of great interest for gas detection in a variety of applications including: security, industrial process control, environmental protection and healthcare. Optical spectroscopic techniques in general, and laser-based techniques in particular, offer a high speed and a high precision capabilities for detection and monitoring of numerous gas species. Unfortunately, detectivity is usually severely limited by the presence of optical fringing effects (also called etalon effects) – which is a limiting factor in a laser absorption spectroscopy.
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