home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / HgCdTe (MCT) Photovoltaic / HgCdTe photoelectromagnetic IR detector PEM-10.6-1x1-PEM-SMA-wZnSeAR-48

HgCdTe room temperature photoelectromagnetic infrared detectorPEM-10.6-1x1-PEM-SMA-wZnSeAR-48

PEM-10.6-1x1-PEM-SMA-wZnSeAR-48 is an uncooled photelectromagnetic IR detector based on HgCdTe heterostructure for optimal performance and stability. Its specific wavelength (λspec) is 10.6 µm and its active area (A) is 1 mm × 1 mm. The detector is available in the specialized PEM-SMA package with an incorporated magnetic circuit inside and a 3 deg. zinc selenide anti-reflection coated window (wZnSeAR) to prevent unwanted interference effects and external pollution.


Spectral range: 2.0 to 12 µm

Large active area

Back-side illuminated

Fast response

Room temperature operation

No bias required

No 1/f noise

No minimum order quantity required


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: SO2, NH3, SF6

CBRN threats detection

CO2 laser measurements: power monitoring and control, beam profiling and positioning, calibration

Free-space optical communication

FTIR spectroscopy

Bacteria identification in medicine


Glucose sensing

Detector configuration

Detector symbol
Detector type
Active element material epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Cooling no
Temperature sensor n/a
Active area, A 1 mm × 1 mm
Optical immersion no
Package PEM-SMA
Acceptance angle, Φ ~48 deg.
Window wZnSeAR (3 deg. wedged zinc selenide, anti-reflection coating)


(Tamb = Tchip = 293 K, Vb = 0 V)

Parameter Value

Min. Typ. Max. -
Cut-on wavelength, λcut-on (10%) - 2.0 - μm
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 8.5±1.0 - μm
Specific wavelength, λspec - 10.6 - μm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) - 12.0 - μm
Detectivity, D* (λpeak, 20 kHz) - 2.0×107 - cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Detectivity, D* (λspec, 20 kHz) 1.0×107 - - cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Current responsivity, Ripeak) - 0.004 - A/W
Current responsivity, Rispec) 0.002 0.0025 - A/W
Time constant, τ - 1.2 - ns
Dynamic resistance, Rd 40 50 - Ω

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = Tchip = 293 K)

Graph depicting detectivity (D*, cm·Hz^1/2/W) versus wavelength (λ, μm), showing a rise from 1E+07 to a peak around 5E+07 between 4-10 μm before declining. The x-axis ranges from 2 to 12 μm and y-axis from 1E+06 to 1E+08.

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