6 June 2022
Implementation of the detection chip production technology developed under the “exposure” project
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- EU co-funding (27,65% of eligible costs):
- POIR 03.02.02-00-1638/18-00
- 08/11/2018 – 31/03/2022
- PLN 23,172,000.00
- PLN 21,702,000.00
- PLN 6,000,000.00
- Agreement no. POIR 03.02.02-00-1638/18-00
- Duration: 08/11/2018 – 31/03/2022
- Overall budget: PLN 23,172,000.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 21,702,000.00
- EU co-funding (27,65% of eligible costs): PLN 6,000,000.00
Processing 2.0
In July 2019, VIGO Photonics S.A. signed the agreement and received co-funding – Kredyt na innowacje technologiczne of the Smart Growth Operational Programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The investment will be located in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro – Park WISŁOSAN.
The project will allow to develop and implement new technology at VIGO through technological investment. Through this program VIGO Photonics aims at launching the production of new and significantly improved infrared detectors and detection modules working without cryogenic cooling with increased reliability and resistance to environmental exposure. Products will be new on the global market, produced with the help of breakthrough technology.
Investment in state of the art epitaxial growth methods and state of the art processing equipment is key to develop the necessary technology and implement the required changes in the manufacturing process of infrared detector chips. Integral part of the program is the purchase of laboratory and cleanroom equipment capable of supporting the frontier shifting effort of this particular kind of photonics technology. Improved standards in terms of cleanliness, temperature and humidity control (cleanroom environment) is required, with particular attention to chemical hazards and environmental protection.
Financial support from EU funds for the implementation of new technology into production will increase the competitiveness and innovation of VIGO Photonics. This technology is an intangible asset of the company and was created as a result of the research project “Uncooled and minimally cooled infrared detectors and detection modules with high reliability and resistance to environmental exposure” – agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0389 /15-00 co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the Szybka Ścieżka programme.
Polish infrared array for space applications
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Project leader:
- Partners:
- POIR.01.01.01-00-0185/20-00
- 1/01/2021-31/12/2023
- PLN 15,582,310.69
- PLN 15,582,310.69
- PLN 11,568,965.39
- VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Military University of Technology, Inframet Krzysztof Chrzanowski
- Agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0185/20-00
- Duration: 1/01/2021-31/12/2023
- Overall budget: PLN 15,582,310.69
- Eligible costs: PLN 15,582,310.69
- Co-funding: PLN 11,568,965.39
- Project leader: VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Partners: Military University of Technology, Inframet Krzysztof Chrzanowski
Polish infrared array for space applications
The main goal of the project is to develop the array for the 2-5 μm infrared range for space applications. The additional goal for our project will be to develop a significantly improved new generation of test station for testing IR FPAs.
The array for the infrared range proposed in the project made of type II superlattices InAs/InAsSb will be a new and completely innovative product for the Polish market. The array will also be an innovative product on a global scale, replacing the InSb indium antimony arrays existing on the market.
Project co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Programme. Project implemented as a part of the (Mazovian) Fast Track Call organized by the National Centre for Research and Development.
Implementation of the detection chip production technology developed under the “exposure” project
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Coordinator:
- Participant:
- POIR 04.01.04-00-0027/16-00
- 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019
- PLN 2 079 318.75
- PLN 2,079,318.75
- PLN 1,693,929.38
- Military University of Technology
- VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Agreement no.: POIR 04.01.04-00-0027/16-00
- Duration: 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019
- Overall budget: PLN 2 079 318.75
- Eligible costs: PLN 2,079,318.75
- Co-funding: PLN 1,693,929.38
- Coordinator: Military University of Technology
- Participant: VIGO Photonics S.A.
The mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) has been the main candidate for the middle wavelength infrared, as well as the long wavelength infrared detectors. However, the existence of the European Union directive forces the elimination of mercury compounds from industrial production. So far, the directive has not entirely enforced due to the dominant position of HgCdTe as a strategic material for the production of IR detectors, and also because of the lack of an alternative material systems. However, is already known that the InAsSb ternary alloy is considered to be an alternative to HgCdTe in mid-wavelength infrared spectral region and at the same time is more technology stable. InAsSb detectors can be used in applications which require higher uniformity and higher resistance to difficult operating conditions.
Given the above, the aim of the project is to make research on the photoelectric phenomena in InAsSb heterostructures grown by MBE, in order to determine the structure and to develop the technology of optically-immersed MWIR photodetectors operated at near-room temperatures with detectivity close to the fundamental limits with higher reliability and resistance to environmental exposure.
Uncooled or minimally cooled infrared detectors of highly reliability and robustness against environmental exposure
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- POIR.01.01.01-00-0389/15-00
- 01/07/2015 – 31/03/2018
- PLN 5,790,796.25
- PLN 5,790,796.25
- PLN 3,824,046.56
- Agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0389/15-00
- Duration: 01/07/2015 – 31/03/2018
- Overall budget: PLN 5,790,796.25
- Eligible costs: PLN 5,790,796.25
- Co-funding: PLN 3,824,046.56
Project co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under sub-measure 1.1.1. of the Smart Growth Programme “Industrial and R&D work carried out by enterprises”, Fast Track Call.
The goal of the Project was the fabrication technology improvement for uncooled and minimally cooled (temp. range 300-190K) HgCdTe heterostructure photodetectors optimized for selective wavelengths in 2-16 µm range characterized by high reliability and robustness against environmental exposure. We developed new passivation and hermitization methods, improved the processing and assembly technologies, as well as investigated phenomena present in detectors and modules under various environmental exposures, established degradation mechanisms and found methods of minimizing or eliminating them by employing superior technological procedures. The new products are based both on previously produced detectors, which have been significantly improved and on completely new designs, such as 32 detector element line, 12 element two color line and an integrated module. Detectors and modules meet the requirements of optoelectronic devices for critical applications defined by the US and the EU (MIL, NASA, ESA) norms.
A new generation of encapsulated miniature detection modules with broadband electronics
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding (27,34% of eligible costs):
- POIR 03.02.02-00-0209/16-00
- 01/02/2016 – 31/03/2019
- PLN 3, 864,400.00
- PLN 21,943,080.00
- PLN 6,000,000.00
- Agreement no. POIR 03.02.02-00-0209/16-00
- Duration: 01/02/2016 – 31/03/2019
- Overall budget: PLN 3, 864,400.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 21,943,080.00
- Co-funding (27,34% of eligible costs): PLN 6,000,000.00
In October 2016, VIGO Photonics S.A. signed an agreement, as a result of which it received a subsidy – Loan for technological innovations of the Smart Growth Operational Program (POIR), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The investment is located in Mazowieckie Voivodship within Industrial Park of Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro – Park WISŁOSAN.
The co-financed project entitled: “New generation of hermetically sealed miniature detector modules with broadband electronics” concerns production implementation of own, new technology developed at VIGO through technological investment and launching of the production of new generation detector modules with broadband electronics in hermetically sealed miniature casings – new products on the global market. Financial support from the EU funds for the implementation of the new technology will increase the competitiveness and innovation of VIGO. This technology is an intangible asset of the company and was created as a result of a research project entitled: “The integration of thermoelectrically cooled infrared detectors or operating at ambient temperature with a broadband receiving system” in a scientific and industrial consortium. The products, which will be the result of the Project – INTIR modules, are the novelty in the field of uncooled photon infrared detectors on the global market. Introduction of miniaturized, universal, and easier to use single- and multi-element modules will be a breakthrough innovation. New functionalities of INTIR modules – mainly miniaturization and ease of use while maintaining high quality parameters (or higher) such as detectability or operation speed will cause development of photonic industry, and consequently also the industry of final device producers, e.g. various types of sensors. They will not need to have expertise in infrared detectors and their integration into electronics, and the module will be a standard optoelectronic component.
Development and implementation of an innovative technology for bonding infrared sensors
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Contractor:
- POIR.02.03.02-14-0210/18-00
- 01/04/2019 – 30/11/2020
- PLN 797,040.00
- PLN 400,000.00
- PLN 340,000.00
- Państwowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
- Agreement no. POIR.02.03.02-14-0210/18-00
- Duration: 01/04/2019 – 30/11/2020
- Overall budget: PLN 797,040.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 400,000.00
- Co-funding: PLN 340,000.00
- Contractor: Państwowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
The subject of the project is the development and implementation on the demonstrator of a significantly improved, innovative technology for gluing elements of infrared sensors, used in the defense industry, medicine, transport and environmental protection.
The developed technology includes 2 operations of gluing: glass (window) to the detector case and detector case to the header.
Electrical contact technologies for A (III) B (V) semiconductor epitaxial layers used in infrared detectors
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- EU co-funding:
- Contractor:
- POIR.02.03.02-14-0085/19-00
- 02/12/2019 – 16/04/2021
- PLN 473,550.00
- PLN 385,000.00
- PLN 327,250.00
- Military University of Technology
- Agreement no.: POIR.02.03.02-14-0085/19-00
- Duration: 02/12/2019 – 16/04/2021
- Overall budget: PLN 473,550.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 385,000.00
- EU co-funding: PLN 327,250.00
- Contractor: Military University of Technology
The subject of the project is the development of a significantly improved, innovative technology for the production of electrical contacts and its implementation as a production stage of infrared (IR) detectors based on diode semiconductor structures of group A (III) B (V) elements with an InAsSb absorber.
The final result of the entire project, after the implementation of this technology into business, will be the launch of a family of infrared detectors based on semiconductor structures from group A (III) B (V) elements with parameters competing with HgCdTe.