6 June 2022

Manufacturing InGaAs Sensors With Integrated Electronics ASIC Range 1.7 – 2.6 μm
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- POIR.01.01.01-00-0480/20-00
- 1.01.2021-31.12.2023
- PLN 12 650 098,83
- PLN 12 650 098,83
- PLN 8 520 919,18
- Agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0480/20-00
- Duration: 1.01.2021-31.12.2023
- Overall budget: PLN 12 650 098,83
- Eligible costs: PLN 12 650 098,83
- Co-funding: PLN 8 520 919,18
The goal of the project was to develop and market a new mass-market product that is a miniaturized high-temperature InGaAs sensor for the 1.7-2.6 µm range for modern consumer electronics integrated with a dedicated ASIC that will increase VIGO's competitiveness.
As part of the project goal, we have developed and implemented a technology to overcome the size and price barrier in the application of the InGaAs detector in modern photonics and consumer electronics by fabricating a miniature ASIC integrated circuit to read data from InGaAs material. In the course of the work, technology was developed for the fabrication of InGaAs epitaxial structures in the 1.7-2.6µm range on large-diameter 4″ and 6″ substrates, using a MOCVD AIXTRON 2800 G4 fabrication reactor, and their processing using new equipment for automatic segregation, inspection and assembly of the structures into target SMD housings. An ASIC chip for reading and amplifying the signal from the InGaAs detector was developed with the help of a subcontractor. As a result of the project, the way of organizing production at VIGO has been changed, which has been significantly modernized and improved, enabling the production of a mass product that meets the basic requirements of current modern consumer electronics, including the designed PIC (Photonic Integrated Circuit) devices.
The product currently has no direct competition in the market. Recipients of the product may be companies implementing modern miniaturized sensors for detection of infrared radiation or particles/gases having characteristic spectral lines in the short infrared range. The product has applications:
- with manufacturers using/planning to use the 1.7-2.6 µm range in the production of modern consumer electronics;
- in Industry 4.0 in-line manufacturing;
- as part of complex diagnostic (spectroscopy) systems in the medical, food and portable device industries for detection in the 1.7-2.6 µm range.
Polish infrared array for space applications
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Project leader:
- Partners:
- POIR.01.01.01-00-0185/20-00
- 1/01/2021-31/12/2023
- PLN 15,582,310.69
- PLN 15,582,310.69
- PLN 11,568,965.39
- VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Military University of Technology, Inframet Krzysztof Chrzanowski
- Agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0185/20-00
- Duration: 1/01/2021-31/12/2023
- Overall budget: PLN 15,582,310.69
- Eligible costs: PLN 15,582,310.69
- Co-funding: PLN 11,568,965.39
- Project leader: VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Partners: Military University of Technology, Inframet Krzysztof Chrzanowski
The main objective of the project was to develop an array for the 2-5 μm infrared range for space applications. An additional objective was to develop a measurement set for the characterization of typical matrices, modules and infrared cameras with medium image resolution.
The matrix proposed in the project for the infrared range made of a technologically advanced material - supergrid II type InAs/InAsSb is a new and completely innovative product in the Polish market. The matrix is also an innovative product on a global scale replacing the existing InSb indium antimonide matrices on the market.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Program. The project was implemented under the competition of the National Center for Research and Development: Fast Track.
Implementation of the detection chip production technology developed under the “exposure” project
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Coordinator:
- Participant:
- POIR 04.01.04-00-0027/16-00
- 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019
- PLN 2 079 318.75
- PLN 2,079,318.75
- PLN 1,693,929.38
- Military University of Technology
- VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Agreement no.: POIR 04.01.04-00-0027/16-00
- Duration: 01/02/2017 – 31/01/2019
- Overall budget: PLN 2 079 318.75
- Eligible costs: PLN 2,079,318.75
- Co-funding: PLN 1,693,929.38
- Coordinator: Military University of Technology
- Participant: VIGO Photonics S.A.
The continually dominant material used in the construction of high-temperature infrared detectors is HgCdTe. Nevertheless, a current European Union directive enforces the elimination of mercury compounds in industrial production. However, it is not fully enforced due to the dominant position of HgCdTe as a strategic material for the production of infrared detectors, as well as the lack of an alternative material. Recent studies demonstrate that InAsSb is a material with comparable performance to HgCdTe, while being more technologically stable. Detectors with InAsSb will be suitable for use where it is necessary to ensure, among other things, higher resistance to harsh operating conditions and high uniformity of multi-element detector parameters.
Taking the above into account, the main objective of the project was to learn about the photoelectric phenomena accompanying radiation detection in structures made of InAsSb obtained by the MBE method, and to carry out research work in the field of determining the design and developing technologies for the production on their basis of immersive detectors of medium-wave infrared radiation achieving detectability close to fundamental limits and characterized by reliability and resistance to environmental exposures.
This project was co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development.
Uncooled or minimally cooled infrared detectors of highly reliability and robustness against environmental exposure
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- POIR.01.01.01-00-0389/15-00
- 01/07/2015 – 31/03/2018
- PLN 5,790,796.25
- PLN 5,790,796.25
- PLN 3,824,046.56
- Agreement no. POIR.01.01.01-00-0389/15-00
- Duration: 01/07/2015 – 31/03/2018
- Overall budget: PLN 5,790,796.25
- Eligible costs: PLN 5,790,796.25
- Co-funding: PLN 3,824,046.56
Project co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under sub-measure 1.1.1. of the Smart Growth Programme “Industrial and R&D work carried out by enterprises”, Fast Track Call.
The goal of the Project was the fabrication technology improvement for uncooled and minimally cooled (temp. range 300-190K) HgCdTe heterostructure photodetectors optimized for selective wavelengths in 2-16 µm range characterized by high reliability and robustness against environmental exposure. We developed new passivation and hermitization methods, improved the processing and assembly technologies, as well as investigated phenomena present in detectors and modules under various environmental exposures, established degradation mechanisms and found methods of minimizing or eliminating them by employing superior technological procedures. The new products are based both on previously produced detectors, which have been significantly improved and on completely new designs, such as 32 detector element line, 12 element two color line and an integrated module. Detectors and modules meet the requirements of optoelectronic devices for critical applications defined by the US and the EU (MIL, NASA, ESA) norms.
A new generation of encapsulated miniature detection modules with broadband electronics
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding (27,34% of eligible costs):
- POIR 03.02.02-00-0209/16-00
- 01/02/2016 – 31/03/2019
- PLN 3, 864,400.00
- PLN 21,943,080.00
- PLN 6,000,000.00
- Agreement no. POIR 03.02.02-00-0209/16-00
- Duration: 01/02/2016 – 31/03/2019
- Overall budget: PLN 3, 864,400.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 21,943,080.00
- Co-funding (27,34% of eligible costs): PLN 6,000,000.00
In October 2016, VIGO Photonics S.A. signed an agreement, as a result of which it received funding - a Loan for Technological Innovation of the Operational Program Inteligent Development (POIR), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The investment has been located in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the Industrial Park of the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro - Park WISŁOSAN.
The project entitled: "New generation of hermetically sealed miniature detection modules with broadband electronics ", concerned the production implementation of VIGO's own new technology developed at VIGO through a technological investment and the launch of production of a new generation of detection modules with broadband electronics in hermetically sealed miniature housings, which are innovative products in the global market. Financial support from EU funds for the implementation of the new technology into production has increased VIGO's competitiveness and innovation. The technology is an intangible asset of the company and was developed as a result of a research project entitled: "Integration of thermoelectrically cooled or ambient temperature infrared detectors with a broadband receiving system" in a scientific and industrial consortium. The introduction of miniaturized, universal easier-to-use modules of both single- and multi-element type was a breakthrough innovation.
The project was co-financed by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.
Development and implementation of an innovative technology for bonding infrared sensors
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Contractor:
- POIR.02.03.02-14-0210/18-00
- 01/04/2019 – 30/11/2020
- PLN 797,040.00
- PLN 400,000.00
- PLN 340,000.00
- Państwowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
- Agreement no. POIR.02.03.02-14-0210/18-00
- Duration: 01/04/2019 – 30/11/2020
- Overall budget: PLN 797,040.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 400,000.00
- Co-funding: PLN 340,000.00
- Contractor: Państwowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
The aim of the project was to develop and implement a significantly improved, innovative technology for bonding infrared sensor components: the glass (window) to the housing and the housing to the sensor base. Until now, these operations had been performed manually at stations equipped with microscopes, which facilitated the required precision. The new, significantly improved technology included automation of the precise feeding of bonded parts and the application of glue, as well as control of the position of the parts using a vision system. As part of the project, a demonstrator implementing the developed technology was built and tested, first under laboratory conditions and then under real conditions. Solutions ensuring compliance with EU requirements on occupational safety and health contained in the Machinery Directive have been implemented in it.
The project was co-financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.
Electrical contact technologies for A (III) B (V) semiconductor epitaxial layers used in infrared detectors
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- EU co-funding:
- Contractor:
- POIR.02.03.02-14-0085/19-00
- 02/12/2019 – 16/04/2021
- PLN 473,550.00
- PLN 385,000.00
- PLN 327,250.00
- Military University of Technology
- Agreement no.: POIR.02.03.02-14-0085/19-00
- Duration: 02/12/2019 – 16/04/2021
- Overall budget: PLN 473,550.00
- Eligible costs: PLN 385,000.00
- EU co-funding: PLN 327,250.00
- Contractor: Military University of Technology
The aim of the project was to develop a significantly improved, innovative technology for the fabrication of electrical contacts and to implement it as a production stage for infrared detectors based on diode semiconductor structures of A(lll)B(V) group elements with lnAsSb absorber. The existing technology to date was developed for HgCdTe and is severely limited due to the low thermal stability of this material. The final result of the entire project, after the implementation of this technology into business, was the introduction to the market of a family of infrared detectors based on semiconductor structures from elements of the A(lll)B(V) group with parameters competing with HgCdTe.
The project was co-financed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.
Implementation of the detection chip production technology developed under the “exposure” project
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- EU co-funding (27,65% of eligible costs):
- POIR 03.02.02-00-1638/18-00
- 08/11/2018 – 30/04/2022
- PLN 30 214 906,16
- PLN 21 507 677,36
- PLN 5 949 592,61
- Agreement no. POIR 03.02.02-00-1638/18-00
- Duration: 08/11/2018 – 30/04/2022
- Overall budget: PLN 30 214 906,16
- Eligible costs: PLN 21 507 677,36
- EU co-funding (27,65% of eligible costs): PLN 5 949 592,61
Processing 2.0
In July 2019, VIGO Photonics S.A. signed an agreement, as a result of which it received funding - a Loan for Technological Innovation of the Operational Program for Intelligent Development (POIR), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The investment has been located in the Mazovia province in the Industrial Park of the Tarnobrzeg Special Economic Zone Euro - Park WISŁOSAN.
The subsidized project entitled: "Implementation of the detection chip production technology developed under the "Exposure" project" concerned the production implementation of the proprietary new technology developed at VIGO through a technological investment and the launch of production of new and significantly improved infrared detectors and detection modules operating without cryogenic cooling with increased reliability and resistance to environmental exposures. The above-mentioned products are new to the global market, and the implemented detector chip manufacturing technology is a breakthrough technology.
In order to implement the detection chip technology, it was necessary to invest in the growth and processing of detection structures, including the purchase of epitaxy and processing laboratory equipment. It was also necessary to improve standards of cleanliness, temperature and humidity control (so-called clean-room) with appropriate safeguards against chemical hazards.
Financial support from EU funds for the implementation of the new technology into production increased VIGO's competitiveness and innovation.
The project was co-financed by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.