home-icon/Products / Infrared Detections Modules / Selected Line / HgCdTe programmable MWIR detection module LabM-I-5

Programmable IR detection module based on HgCdTe thermoelectrically cooled optically immersed photovoltaic detectorLabM-I-5

LabM-I-5 is a detection module featuring a TE-cooled, optically immersed photovoltaic IR detector based on an HgCdTe heterostructure (PVI-2TE-5-1×1-TO8-wAl2O3-36), integrated with a programmable, transimpedance amplifier (PIP series).
For proper operation, the programmable VIGO thermoelectric cooler controller PTCC-01 (sold separately) and Smart Manager Software (freeware) are required.
The LabM-I-5 detection module comes complete with PTCC-01 and Smart Manager Software, making it the best solution for prototyping and the R&D stage in various MWIR applications. This set provides a flexible approach to the different needs of system designers.


Spectral range: 2.7 to 5.6 µm

Frequency bandwidth: DC to 18 MHz (typ.)

High performance and reliability

DC offset compensation

Integrated fan

M4 mounting hole

VIGO PTCC-01 TEC controller obligatory

Compatible with optical accessories

Versatile and flexible

Quantity discounted price

Fast delivery

No minimum order quantity required


Contactless temperature measurement: railway transport, industrial and laboratory processes monitoring

Flame and explosion detection

Threat warning systems

Heat-seeking, thermal signature detection


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: CH4, C2H2, CH2O, HCl, NH3, SO2, C2H6, CO, CO2, NOx

Breath analysis: C2H6, CH2O, NH3, NO, OCS

Gas leak detection

Combustion process control

Non-destructive material testing

Research and prototyping

Detection module configuration

Detection module symbol LabM-I-5
Detector symbol PVI-2TE-5-1x1-TO8-wAl2O3-36
Detector type photovoltaic
Active element material epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Optical area, AO 1 mm × 1 mm
Optical immersion hyperhemisphere
Cooling 2TE (Tchip≅230K)
Temperature sensor thermistor
Acceptance angle, Φ ~36 deg.
Window wAl2O3 (3 deg. wedged sapphire)
Amplifier symbol PIP
Amplifier type programmable, transimpedance
Signal output socket SMA
Power supply, TE cooler, thermistor and fan socket LEMO ECG.0B.309.CLN (female)


(Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 230 K, Rload = 50 Ω, unless otherwise noted; default module settings)

Parameter Test conditions, remarks Value Unit
Min. Typ. Max. -
Active element temperature, Tchip - 230 - K
Cut-on wavelength, λcut-on (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 2.7 - µm
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 4.4±0.2 - µm
Specific wavelength, λspec - 5.0 - µm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 5.6 - µm
Detectivity, D* At λ=λpeak, f=1MHz

At λ=λspec, f=1MHz







Output noise voltage density, vn At f=1MHz - - 500 nV/Hz1/2
Voltage responsivity, Rv At λ=λpeak

At λ=λspec







Low cut-off frequency, flo-DC DC coupling selected - 0 - Hz
Low cut-off frequency, flo-AC AC coupling selected - 10 - Hz
High cut-off frequency, fhi-H High bandwidth selected 12 18 - MHz
High cut-off frequency, fhi-M Mid bandwidth selected - 1.5 - MHz
High cut-off frequency, fhi-L Low bandwidth selected - 0.15 - MHz
Output impedance, Rout - 50 -
Output voltage swing, Vout - - ±1 V
Output voltage offset, Voff - - ±20 mV
Power supply voltage (positive), +Vsup - +9 - V
Power supply voltage (negative), -Vsup - -9 - V
Power supply current consumption (positive), +Isup - - +100 mA
Power supply current consumption (negative), -Isup - - -100 mA
Fan power consumption, Pfan - - 900 mW
TEC voltage, VTEC - - 1.0 V
TEC current, ITEC - - 1.2 A
Weight - 180 - g

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 230 K)

Graph showing detectivity (D*) versus wavelength (λ) from 2.5 to 6.0 micrometers. The curve peaks around 3.5 micrometers with values between 1E+10 and 1E+11 cm·Hz^1/2/W. The axes are logarithmically scaled.

Mechanical layout (unit: mm)

Technical diagram of an electronic device with three views: top, side, and back. The diagram includes measurements and labels for components like signal output, status LED, and controller. Markings for dimensions and focal plane are also visible.

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