home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / InGaAs, InAs and InAsSb Detectors / InAs photovoltaic IR detector PVA-3-d1.2-SMD-BPF3330-B150-115

InAs room temperature photovoltaic infrared detectorPVA-3-d1.2-SMD-BPF3330-B150-115

PVA-3-d1.2-SMD-BPF3330-B150-115 is an uncooled photovoltaic IR detector based on InAs heterostructure for optimal performance and stability. The diameter (dA) of its active element is 1.2 mm.  The detector is available in the SMD package with an optical filter (λcwl = 3330 nm, filter bandwidth = 150 nm) for detecting CH4 and C2H6 gases.


RoHS-compliant III-V material

Large active area

Front-side illuminated

High ambient operating and storage temperature

Compact, surface mount type ceramic package

Compatible with lead-free solder reflow

No minimum order quantity required


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: CH4, C2H6

Combustion process control

Green energy

Medical laser control

Detector configuration

Detector symbol PVA-3-d1.2-SMD-BPF3330-B150-115
Detector type photovoltaic
Active element material epitaxial InAs heterostructure
Cooling no
Temperature sensor n/a
Active area diameter, dA 1.2 mm
Immersion no
Package SMD
Acceptance angle, Φ ≥115 deg.
Window planar with filter

cwl = 3330 nm, filter bandwidth = 150 nm)


(Tamb = Tchip = 293 K, Vb = 0 V)

Parameter Value Unit
Min. Typ. Max. -
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 3.33 - μm
Detectivity, D* (λpeak, f = 20 kHz) 3.2×109 4.5×109 - cm·Hz1/2/W
Current responsivity, Ripeak) 0.52 0.62 - A/W
Time constant, τ - 35 45 ns
Dynamic resistance, Rd 50 70 - Ω

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = Tchip = 293 K)

Graph showing a plot of detectivity and intensity versus wavelength from 1.5 to 4.0 micrometers. The left vertical axis shows detectivity, and the right shows intensity. Two shaded areas at 3.35 and 3.45 micrometers are marked as CH₄ and C₂H₆.

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