home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / HgCdTe LN2-cooled IR Detectors / HgCdTe photoconductive IR detector PC-LN2-19-1x1-VFP-NW-50

HgCdTe photoconductive infrared detector optimized for operation at 77 KPC-LN2-19-1x1-VFP-NW-50

PC-LN2-19-1x1-VFP-NW-50 is a photoconductive IR detector based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability. This detector is optimized for operation at cryogenic temperatures, typically at 77 K (liquid nitrogen temperature). Its 10% cut-off wavelength (λcut-off) is 20.0 µm and its active area (A) is 1 mm × 1 mm. The detector should operate in optimum bias current (Ib) and voltage readout mode. Performance at low frequencies is reduced due to 1/f noise. The detector is available in an especially designed flatpack package (without a window) for easy self-assembly in LN2 metal dewars. This detector is widely used in demanding applications requiring exceptional sensitivity and wide spectral range.


Spectral range: over 20.0 µm

Large active area

Front-side illuminated

Active element material optimized for operation at 77 K

Especially designed flatpack package (without window) for easy self-assembly in LN2 metal dewars

Possible assembly in LN2 metal dewars (Kadel KR163-FSMA2, Kadel KR-323) by VIGO Photonics (on request)

Possible assembly of temperature sensor

Active area dimension 0.25 mm × 0.25 mm available (on request)

Other acceptance angle values available (on request)


FTIR spectroscopy

Detector configuration

Detector symbol
Detector type
Active element material epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Cooling LN2

(for operation in 77 K)

Temperature sensor no
Active area, A 1 mm × 1 mm
Optical immersion no
Package VFP


Acceptance angle, Φ ~50 deg.
Window no


(Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 77 K, Ib = 15 mA)

Parameter Value
Min. Typ. Max. -
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 16.0 - μm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) - ≥20.0 - μm
Detectivity, D* (λpeak, 20 kHz) - 1.0×1010 - cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Voltage responsivity, Ripeak) - 170 - V/W
Resistance, R - 25 - Ω
Bias current, Ib - 15 - mA

Spectral response

(Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 77 K, Ib = 15 mA)

Graph showing detectivity (D*) in cm-Hz^(1/2)/W versus wavelength (λ) in µm. The red line indicates detectivity peaking between 5 and 12 µm before dropping sharply after 18 µm. The range covers 2 to 20 µm on the x-axis.

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