On 12-13 October in Rawa Mazowiecka took place the second edition of the Optoelectronic Conference organized by PCO SA, Polish Technological Platform on Photonics, Military University of Technology and Warsaw University of Technology.
The conference focused mainly on the impact of optoelectronic technology to improve the quality of live and safety of citizens. Discussions were mainly focused on three fields, which are important for Poland – science, military and industry. Another issues were the possibility of financing research and development projects and also presentations of Polish companies which create innovative devices and optoelectronic systems. Participation in the conference were among others representatives of the Ministry of National Defence, scientific faculty and authorities of technical universities in Poland, as well as scientific research institutes and industry – including representatives of VIGO Photonics SA. Our President Adam Piotrowski gave a lecture titled “From basic research to advanced optoelectronic systems – challenges, opportunities, threats” referring to the opportunities and possibilities for joint action optoelectronic industry and the role of VIGO Photonics SA in this area.