home-icon/Products / Infrared Detections Modules / Selected Line / HgCdTe ultra-high-speed LWIR detection module UHSM-10.6

Ultra-high-speed IR detection module based on HgCdTe thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic detectorUHSM-10.6

UHSM-10.6 is a detection module featuring a TE-cooled photovoltaic IR detector based on a HgCdTe heterostructure (PV-4TE-10.6-0.05x0.05), integrated with a transimpedance amplifier and thermoelectric cooler controller in one package.
The UHSM-10.6 detection module is a compact, convenient, user-friendly and high-speed solution.


Spectral range: 2.0 to 13.0 µm

Frequency bandwidth: 300 Hz to 1.25 GHz (typ.)

High performance and reliability

DC monitor

Single power supply

Integrated TEC controller and fan

M4 mounting hole

Compatible with optical accessories

Quantity discounted price

Fast delivery

No minimum order quantity required


Dual-comb spectroscopy

Heterodyne detection

Characterization of pulsed laser sources


Object scanners

Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy systems

Free-space optical communication


Detection module configuration

Detection module symbol UHSM-10.6
Detector type photovoltaic
Active element material epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Active area, A 0.05 mm × 0.05 mm
Optical immersion no
Cooling 4TE (Tchip≅215K)
Acceptance angle, Φ ~80 deg.
Window wZnSeAR (3 deg. wedged zinc selenide, anti-reflection coating)
Amplifier type ultra-high-speed, transimpedance
Signal output socket SMA
DC monitor output socket SMA
Power supply socket DC 2.1/5.5


(Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 215 K, Rload = 50 Ω, unless otherwise noted)

Parameter Test conditions, remarks Value Unit
Min. Typ. Max. -
Active element temperature, Tchip - 215 - K
Cut-on wavelength, λcut-on (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 3.0 - µm
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 8.0±1.0 - µm
Specific wavelength, λspec - 10.6 - µm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 12.0 - µm
Detectivity, D* At λ=λpeak, f=100MHz

At λ=λspec, f=100MHz







Output noise voltage density, vn At f=100MHz - - 70 nV/Hz1/2
Voltage responsivity, Rv At λ=λpeak

At λ=λspec







Voltage responsivity, Rv At λ = λpeak, DC monitor

At λ = λpeak, DC monitor







1/f corner frequency, fc   - - 10 MHz
Low cut-off frequency, flo - 300 - Hz
High cut-off frequency, fhi 0.9 1.25 - GHz
Low cut-off frequency, flo DC monitor - 0 - Hz
High cut-off frequency, fhi DC monitor - 260 - Hz
Output impedance, Rout - 50 -
Output voltage swing, Vout - - ±1 V
Output voltage offset, Voff - - ±20 mV
Power supply voltage, Vsup - 9 - V
Power supply current consumption, Isup - - 1.2 A
Weight - 235 - g

Spectral response

(Typ., Tamb = 293 K, Tchip = 215 K)

Graph showing detectivity (D*) vs. wavelength (λ) from 2.0 to 12.0 micrometers. The detectivity ranges from 1E+08 to 1E+09 cm·Hz^1/2/W. The curve rises sharply, peaks around 5.0 micrometers, and then declines.

Mechanical layout (unit: mm)

Technical diagram of a DC monitor with three views and dimensions. Top views show front panel with power supply, signal output, and focal plane details, while side views display height and depth measurements, with mounting hole positions.

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