home-icon/Products / Infrared Detections Modules / InAsSb ASIC-type IR detection module ICI04220-01

InAsSb room-temperature infrared detection module with an integrated ASIC-type amplifierICI04220-01

ICI04220-01 is a detection module featuring an uncooled photovoltaic IR detector chip based on an InAsSb heterostructure, optically immersed to enhance the parameters, integrated with an ASIC-type (application-specific integrated circuit), transimpedance amplifier. This module has a square-shaped cap featuring a 3 deg. wedged, zinc selenide, anti-reflection coated window.


Spectral range: 1.8 to 12.0 μm

RoHS-compliant III-V material

Back-side illuminated

Unique immersion lens technology applied

ASIC-type electronics

Programmable gain

DC coupling (AC coupling on request)

Compact, surface-mount type package

Long-term stability and reliability

High ambient operating and storage temperature

Low power consumption

Possibility of mounting optical filter


Gas detection, monitoring and analysis: SO2, NH3, SF6

CBRN threats detection

CO2 laser measurements (power monitoring and control, beam profiling and positioning, calibration)

Free-space optical communication

FTIR spectroscopy

Medical bacteria identification


Glucose sensing


(Tamb = 293 K, Rload = 50 Ω)

Parameter Test conditions, remarks Value Unit
Min. Typ. Max. -
Active element temperature, Tchip Tchip =   Tamb - 293 - K
Cut-on wavelength, λcut-on (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 1.8 - µm
Peak wavelength, λpeak - 7.1 - µm
Cut-off wavelength, λcut-off (10%) At 10% of the peak responsivity - 12.0 - µm
Detectivity, D* At λ=λpeak, f=10kHz - 7.0×108 - cm×Hz1/2/W
Output noise voltage density, vn At f=10kHz - 1.4 - μV/Hz1/2
Voltage responsivity, Rv At λ=λpeak - 1.1×104 - V/W
Transimpedance, Ki 16 - 640 kV/A
Low cut-off frequency, flo DC coupling - 0 - Hz
High cut-off frequency, fhi - 5 - MHz
Output impedance, Rout - 50 -
Reference voltage output, Vref - 1 - V
Power supply voltage, +Vsup - 3.3 - V
Power consumption, P - 0.15 - W

Spectral response

(Typ, Tamb = 293 K)

Graph displaying detectivity (D*) in cm·Hz^1/2/W versus wavelength (λ) in micrometers (μm). The plot shows a curve that rises to a peak between 4 and 8 μm, then descends, ranging from 1E+08 to 1E+09 on the y-axis and 1 to 13 μm on the x-axis.

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