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Ultra-fast infrared detector for astronomy

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At the beginning of 2023 scientific group from Florence University, Italy, and INFN/LNF, Italy published in Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research (Elsevier) an article where they described ultra-fast infrared detector for astronomy based on VIGO Photonics components.

The described fast infrared telescope detector is mounted on ground-based reflector telescopes. It works in time-domain and it is used for observing astronomical sources in the mid-IR range. The detector design is based on HgCdTe photoconductive  PC10.6 detector by VIGO Photonics S.A. Authors emphasize that the HgCdTe detector has been demonstrated to be able to work at extremely low frequency even if there are practical limits for the data storage.

We are happy, that VIGO products contribute to the development of such an interesting field as astronomy.

Link to the article