Mid-infrared homodyne balanced detector for quantum light characterization

A scientific group from Florence, Italy (LENS, CNR-INO, INFN) and from ETH Zürich, Switzerland published in 2021 in Optics Express (Pub Med) and in 2022 in Advanced Photonics Research (Wiley-VCH GmbH) two articles describing quantum light characterization. Presented systems contain VIGO photonics products.
Large-scale introduction of quantum technologies, such as free-space quantum communication requires many high-quality research experiments in which reveal non-classicality in mid-infrared (MIR) light, e. g. in quantum cascade lasers (QCL) emission, requires a high-performance detection system. Researchers presented a MIR balanced detection system suitable for quantum characterization of light via homodyne detection made on 50/50 beam splitter and two HgCdTe photovoltaic PVI-4TE-5-2x2 VIGO detectors working in the spectral range from 2.5 μm to 5.0 μm . Described system tested QCLs, chip-scale semiconductor-heterostructure devices based on intersubband transitions in quantum wells, operating in the mid-to-far infrared. Moreover, the system allows studying the intensity correlations between the different modes that occur in a three-mode harmonic QCLcomb.
We are proud, that VIGO detectors have payed such an important role in the investigation of the quantum properties on QCLs radiation which are yet unexplored.