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Dataset for SO2, SO3, H2SO4 and H2O infrared absorption spectra at 300° C and 350° C temperatures

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In 2023 scientific group from the Opto-Knowledge Systems, USA, Mechanical and University of California, USA, Fossil Energy Research Corporation, USA and Electric Power Research Institute, USA published in Elsevier (Data in Brief) an article where they presented  library spectra obtained for use with a laser absorption spectroscopy gas sensor based on VIGO Photonics photodetector.

The optical system with heated multi-pass absorption Herriott cell with two tunable external cavity quantum cascade laser (EC-QCL) sources. and thermoelectrically cooled MCT detector by VIGO Photonics allowed to obtain spectra include absorbance data for SO2, SO3, H2O and H2SO4 at 300°C and 350°C temperatures in two wavelength bands, 7-8 μm and 8-9 μm. Research used direct absorption spectroscopy method.

The presented data are useful for scientists and engineers building SO3 and H2SO4 gas sensing equipment for emission monitoring, process control as flue gas of coal-fired power plants, carbon black facilities, and other facilities in which sulfur is present in high temperature processes. The data could be useful for environmental monitoring systems and flue gas monitoring systems for heavy industry. Monitoring of these chemicals will allow cleaner operation, lower costs and longer life of facility components. 

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