Other projects
22 June 2022

LWIR photodetector supported by dielectric antennas
- Agreement no:
- Duration:
- Total Cost:
- Amount of EU funding:
- Project consortium:
- POLTAJ10/2022/37/LWIRPSBDA/2023
- 1/04/2023-31/03/2026
- 1 865 357,04 PLN
- 1 382 257,04 PLN
- Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Applied Physics Institute - Military University of Technology (MUT), Warsaw, Poland, VIGO Photonics
- Agreement no: POLTAJ10/2022/37/LWIRPSBDA/2023
- Duration: 1/04/2023-31/03/2026
- Total Cost: 1 865 357,04 PLN
- Amount of EU funding: 1 382 257,04 PLN
- Project consortium: Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Applied Physics Institute - Military University of Technology (MUT), Warsaw, Poland, VIGO Photonics
The aim of the project is to develop and demonstrate a new detection device operating in high-temperature conditions (HOT - high operating temperature, 230 K in the first stage and 300 K) and in the long-wave range - 10.6 micrometers with performance exceeding currently available HgCdTe detectors. The proposed architecture of the device will allow for higher detectivity by reducing the volume of the detector, thus reducing the noise level and increasing optical coupling through the use of an amorphous silicon dielectric antenna, optimized for the longwave range (10.6 micrometers). The detector structure will be based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice. The use of a dielectric antenna will increase the quantum efficiency 2.5 times for the wavelength of 10.6 micrometers.
The Project is co-funded by the National Center for Research and Development under the 10th Polish-Taiwanese/Taiwanese-Polish Joint Research Call
A Novel Transparent Electrodes for VCSELs (TRAVEL)
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Project coordinator:
- Partners:
- Foreign partner:
- M-ERA.NET2/2019/9/2020
- 1/10/2020-29/02/2024
- PLN 1,142,725.35
- PLN 1,024,808.10
- Lodz University of Technology
- VIGO Photonics S.A., Warsaw University of Technology
- Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems CNRS (France)
- Agreement no.: M-ERA.NET2/2019/9/2020
- Duration: 1/10/2020-29/02/2024
- Eligible costs: PLN 1,142,725.35
- Co-funding: PLN 1,024,808.10
- Project coordinator: Lodz University of Technology
- Partners: VIGO Photonics S.A., Warsaw University of Technology
- Foreign partner: Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems CNRS (France)
The project aims was to develop an industrially viable method for manufacturing VCSEL lasers with a transparent electrode as the top contact and an irregular aperture, which enable more efficient conversion of electrical energy into optical energy.
VIGO's task was to produce structures with the high optical performance and high reproducibility required in the production of such lasers. The growth of the epitaxial structure were completed with the fabrication of the device and its characterization. VCSEL lasers are widely used in the photonics industry, mainly in short-range communication systems, LIDARs, time-of-flight (ToF) sensors, autonomous vehicles, robots and drones.
VIGO's role in this project was:
- Semiconductor wafer epitaxy (by MOCVD method);
- participation in work on fabrication and characterization of VCSEL lasers.
The TRAVEL project is co-funded by the National Center for Research and Development under the M-ERA.NET 2019 Program
Ultrafast photodetector based graphene
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Project leader:
- Project partners:
- GRAF-TECH/NCBR/13/20/2013
- 1/03/2013-31/08/2016
- PLN 5,000,000.00
- PLN 4,813,820.00
- Warsaw University of Technology
- Łódź University of Technology, VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Agreement no. GRAF-TECH/NCBR/13/20/2013
- Duration: 1/03/2013-31/08/2016
- Eligible costs: PLN 5,000,000.00
- Co-funding: PLN 4,813,820.00
- Project leader: Warsaw University of Technology
- Project partners: Łódź University of Technology, VIGO Photonics S.A.
Graphene has been shown to have physical properties that make it suitable for detecting light with unique properties. The main goal of the project was to use these properties for the development of graphene-based infrared photodetectors with unique properties. The main goal was to achieve very high detector speeds, exceeding those achievable in uncooled infrared detectors based on narrow-bandgap semiconductors.
The project involved the development of an infrared detector using graphene detector structures.
The project developed the graphene nanodevice fabrication technology from scratch, including the device concept, lithographic processes, high-frequency signal control and measurement methodology. The graphene device is the heart of the entire detection system, implemented according to patterns taken from classical infrared detector technology, and together constitutes the final product of the project - an infrared detector. The fastest measured detectors had a time constant of less than approx. 40 ps, which was the limit of measurement possibilities. Therefore, the goal of achieving a high optical response speed of the device was fully achieved.
VIGO Photonics S.A.'s role in this project was in the development of the construction and optoelectric characterization of the photodetector, as well as the improvement of the parameters of this detector.
The project was subsidized by the National Research and Development Center under the "GRAF-TECH" Program.
Long wavelength Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers for optical fiber transmission (WIKINET)
- Agreement no.:
- Duration:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Project leader:
- Partner:
- Foreign Partner:
- NCBR/VII/PL-IL/1/2020
- NCBR/VII/PL-IL/1/2020
- PLN 1,166,233.70
- PLN 999,675.28
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics
- VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Mellanox (Israel)
- Agreement no.: NCBR/VII/PL-IL/1/2020
- Duration: NCBR/VII/PL-IL/1/2020
- Eligible costs: PLN 1,166,233.70
- Co-funding: PLN 999,675.28
- Project leader: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics
- Partner: VIGO Photonics S.A.
- Foreign Partner: Mellanox (Israel)
Project description:
Today, a major challenge for fiber optic communications is the transition from multimode transmission, which is limited to 50 meters, to single-mode transmission, which in turn can have a range of more than 10 km. The goal of the project was to produce long-haul, single-mode integrated VCSEL wafers that allow high-speed modulation while maintaining a low unit cost. VIGO was tasked with developing high-quality strained quantum wells for the O and C bands. In the course of this project, VIGO developed technologies for obtaining long-wavelength laser structures. The focus was on the crystallization of InxGa1-x-yAlyAs layers that make up the active region of the laser.
The technology developed by VIGO makes it possible to obtain InxGa1-x-yAlyAs layers with controlled strain over a wide range of compressive and tensile stresses. The substrates used during the task were InP substrates with a diameter of 3 inches.
The WikiNet project was co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development within the framework of the 7th Polish-Israeli Call.
Development of Plasmon-enhanced HOT MIR Photodetectors (PEMIR)
- Agreement no.
- Duration:
- Overall budget:
- Eligible costs:
- Co-funding:
- Foreign partner:
- POLTUR4/PEMIR/2/2021
- 1/03/2021-31/01/2024
- PLN 1,115,343.81
- PLN 1,115,343.81
- PLN 836,507.86
- Sabancı University (Turkey)
- Agreement no. POLTUR4/PEMIR/2/2021
- Duration: 1/03/2021-31/01/2024
- Overall budget: PLN 1,115,343.81
- Eligible costs: PLN 1,115,343.81
- Co-funding: PLN 836,507.86
- Foreign partner: Sabancı University (Turkey)
The goal of the project was to develop high-temperature mid-infrared (3-16 μm) detectors with improved signal-to-noise ratio and high response rate operating either at room temperature or at temperatures achievable with Peltier coolers (190 - 325 K). The project was carried out mainly by optimizing the heterostructure based on A3B5 materials and enriching the absorption by using two-dimensional subwavelength arrays of metallization holes (nanoantenna).
The proposed detectors are very useful in a wide range of existing and new applications including industrial (automotive, production control), environmental (pollution control), medical and military.
VIGO Photonics S.A.'s role in this project:
- design, modeling and simulation of high-temperature mid-infrared detectors with subwavelength hole arrays;
- fabrication of heterostructures for high-temperature mid-infrared detectors with subwavelength hole arrays;
- processing, assembly and characterization of high-temperature mid-infrared detectors with subwavelength hole arrays.
The PEMIR project was co-financed by the National Research and Development Center under the POLTUR4 Call.