Current report number 33/2023 from the October 20, 2023.

Management Board of VIGO Photonics S.A. ("Company", "Issuer") informs that today it received information about the publication of the Issuer's project entitled "Long-wave cascade detectors for spectroscopy and FSO" (abbreviated: "Project") on the List of positively assessed projects in the first call for proposals for the Smart Path of the European Funds for a Modern Economy Program.

A positive assessment of the project does not mean concluding a contract or granting funding. After completing the project evaluation process, PARP has now started verification activities related to granting co-financing for positively assessed projects.

The total amount of eligible costs of the Project is PLN 13,958,559.25, and the amount of funding is PLN 9,371,626.00, which constitutes 67.14% of the total costs eligible for support.

The duration of the Project and the funding is 36 months. Project implementation will start on January 1, 2024.

The project envisages the implementation of an R&D module which will include industrial research and development work aimed at developing the technology of cascade infrared detectors and detection modules. The result of this project will be new products in the form of a family of sensors: cascade detectors made of III-V materials with an active area from a type II superlattice, optimized for the long-wave infrared range ≥ 10.6 µm, operating without cryogenic cooling, and detection modules
based on them, i.e. cascade detectors integrated with amplifying and accompanying electronics. These will be:

•Detectors and detection modules with a long-wave immersion cascade detector for spectroscopy applications.

•Fast detectors and modules with a bandwidth of ≥ 3 GHz with a long-wave immersive cascade detector.

•32 element cascade detector lines and cascade detector line modules.

These will be new products intended mainly for foreign markets for manufacturers of optoelectronic systems. The final result of the project will be the development of all stages of detector technology.

Taking into account the value of the subsidy obtained, the Issuer estimates that it will be of significant importance from the point of view of the financial situation, implementation of the strategy and development prospects of the Issuer.

The implementation of the Project is a continuation of the implementation of the assumptions of the Company's Strategy for 2021–2026, which the Issuer informed about in current report No. 12/2021 on June 16, 2021.

Legal basis: art. 17 section 1 Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2003/124 /EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC ("MAR Regulation")Legal basis Art. 17 section 1 MAR - confidential information.