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Corporate governance

Corporate document

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 Participation of women and men in the company’s governing bodies

  • at the end of 2023
    on the Management Board sat 3 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2022
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2021
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2020
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2019
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2018
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 7 people (men).
  • at the end of 2017
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 6 people, including 1 woman.
  • at the end of 2016
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 6 people, including 1 woman.
  • at the end of 2015
    on the Management Board sat 2 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 6 people, including 1 woman.
  • at the end of 2014
    on the Management Board sat 3 people (men)
    on the Supervisory Board sat 5 people, including 1 woman.


Division of tasks between members of the Management Board

  • President of the Board, General Director
  • the company's sales and marketing activities and the development of the markets on which the company operates;
  • development of technology and research and development activities of the company;
  • the company's IT activities;
  • HR management


  • Member of the Board, Chief Financial Officer
  • implementation of the company's strategic and operational goals and presenting the assessment of the implementation of these goals to the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • the company's financial and credit policy;
  • fulfillment of the company's obligations as an issuer of securities admitted to trading on a regulated market;
  • ensuring compliance of the company's operations with the provisions of law, including the performance of the duties of the Management Board Representative for the Internal Control System.
  • Member of the Board, Chief Operating Officer
  • current operations of the company, including production activities and management of the supply chain and purchases to the company;
  • planning and conducting investments and maintaining the company's infrastructure;
  • ensuring compliance of the company's operations with the quality policy, including the performance of the duties of the Management Board Representative for the Quality Management System;

Information on the diversity policy

The Company has not developed a formal diversity policy in relation to the Company’s governing bodies and its key managers, but the Company’s human resources policy in all processes, in particular recruitment, evaluation of work results, promotion, and professional development, takes into account such elements of diversity as gender, education, age, and professional experience, recognizing the diversity and equal opportunities as significant competitive advantages that allow gaining and retaining talented employees and using their full professional potential.