home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive / HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive Detector PC-4TE-10.6

HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive DetectorPC-4TE-10.6

1.0 – 12.0 µm, three-stage thermoelectrically cooled

PC-4TE-10.6 is four-stage thermoelectrically cooled IR photoconductive detector based on sophisticated HgCdTe heterostructure for the best performance and stability. The device is optimized for the maximum performance at λopt = 10.6 μm. The device should operate in optimum bias voltage and current readout mode. Performance at low frequencies is reduced due to 1/f noise. 3° wedged zinc selenide anti-reflection coated (wZnSeAR) window prevents unwanted interference effects.


High performance in the 1.0 - 12.0 µm spectral range

Four-stage thermoelectrically cooled

Hyperhemiimmersion microlens technology applied

Active area from 50×50 µm^2 to 2×2 mm^2

Long lifetime and MTBF

Stability and reliability

1/f noise

Specification (Ta = 20°C)

Active element material
epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Optimum wavelength λopt, µm
Detectivity D*(λpeak, 20 kHz), cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Detectivity D*(λopt, 20 kHz), cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Current responsivity-active area length product Riopt)·L, A·mm/W
Time constant τ, ns
1/f noise corner frequency fc, Hz
Bias voltage-active area length ratio Vb/L, V/mm
Resistance R, Ω
Active element temperature Tdet, K
Active area A, mm×mm
0.05×0.05, 0.1×0.1, 0.25×0.25, 0.5×0.5, 1×1, 2×2
TO8, TO66
Acceptance angle, Φ

Spectral response (Ta = 20°C)


Mechanical layout, mm


4TE-TO8 package


4TE-TO66 package


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