Infrared Detectors for Railway Transport Safety

Bolometric camera
Very good accuracy (mK range)
Accuracy not more than 1 K
Low sampling frequency (usually 50 Hz)
High speed from 15 kHz to 100 MHz
Speed only up to few 1 kHz
Requires complex image analysis
Operation at any environmental conditions
Easily disturbed by sun
VIGO single-element devices recommended for temperature measurements:
Figure 1. Principle of thermal radiation detection system
With the input optics (mirrors, lenses) the beams are focused on a detector element, which generates an electrical signal proportional to the incident radiation.
The signal is amplified and, using successive digital signal processing, is transformed into an output signal proportional to the object temperature.
Key features of the VIGO product:
1×4 or 2×4 single-colour HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors array
Very good accuracy: 100 mK at 30 °C, 10 mK at 150 °C
High speed: from 15 kHz to 100 MHz
Small spot size: from 5 mm to 1 m distance
Compact size: i.e. 50 × 50 × 25 mm3 (complete mechanical design according to the customer’s specification)
Low power, single supply: 2 – 6 W, 3 – 24 V
Figure 2. Thermal scanning system of the undercarriage
Figure 3. Thermal scanning system with VIGO infrared detection modules.
Key features of the VIGO product:
2×12 two-colour HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors array
Two different spectral bands
Object temperature measurement range from 80 to 300 °C
High sample rate of each channel, up to 80 kSPS
Simultaneous sampling on all channels
Precise A/D conversion
Fast LVDS data output
Control interface RS422/485 full duplex
Single power supply .18 VDC
Short start-up time 40 s (typical)
Temperature measurement combined with gas analysis makes possible to detect leaks of gases or technical liquids, prevent fires and explosions.
Scanning system is integrated with signalling system enabling to automatically stop trains whenever hazardous defects are detected, without the intervention of the operator.