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HgCdTe photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors PVMI-4TE-8-1×1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-36

/Home / Products / Page 3 HgCdTe four-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic multi-junction infrared detectorsPVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-36 PVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO8-wZnSeAR-36 and PVMI-4TE-8-1x1-TO66-wZnSeAR-36 are four-stage thermoelectrically cooled (4TE) photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability, optically immersed to enhance the parameters. Their specific…


HgCdTe photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors PVM-2TE-10.6-3×3-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70

/Home / Products / Page 3 HgCdTe two-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic multi-junction infrared detectorsPVM-2TE-10.6-3x3-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70 PVM-2TE-10.6-3x3-TO8-wZnSeAR-70 and PVM-2TE-10.6-3x3-TO66-wZnSeAR-70 are two-stage thermoelectrically cooled (2TE) photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability. Their specific wavelength (λspec) is…


HgCdTe photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors PVM-2TE-10.6-2×2-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70

/Home / Products / Page 3 HgCdTe two-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic multi-junction infrared detectorsPVM-2TE-10.6-2x2-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70 PVM-2TE-10.6-2x2-TO8-wZnSeAR-70 and PVM-2TE-10.6-2x2-TO66-wZnSeAR-70 are two-stage thermoelectrically cooled (2TE) photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability. Their specific wavelength (λspec) is…


HgCdTe photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors PVM-2TE-10.6-1×1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70

/Home / Products / Page 3 HgCdTe two-stage thermoelectrically cooled photovoltaic multi-junction infrared detectorsPVM-2TE-10.6-1x1-TO8/TO66-wZnSeAR-70 PVM-2TE-10.6-1x1-TO8-wZnSeAR-70 and PVM-2TE-10.6-1x1-TO66-wZnSeAR-70 are two-stage thermoelectrically cooled (2TE) photovoltaic multi-junction IR detectors based on HgCdTe heterostructures for optimal performance and stability. Their specific wavelength (λspec) is…
