home-icon/Products / Infrared detectors / HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive / HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive Detector PCI-3TE-13

HgCdTe (MCT) Photoconductive DetectorPCI-3TE-13

1.0 – 15.0 µm, three-stage thermoelectrically cooled, optically immersed

PCI-3TE-13 is three-stage thermoelectrically cooled IR photoconductive detector based on sophisticated HgCdTe heterostructure for the best performance and stability, optically immersed in order to improve parameters of the device. The detector is optimized for the maximum performance at λopt = 13.0 μm. Cut-on wavelength is limited by GaAs transmittance (~0.9 µm). The device should operate in optimum bias voltage and current readout mode. Performance at low frequencies is reduced due to 1/f noise. 3° wedged zinc selenide anti-reflection coated (wZnSeAR) window prevents unwanted interference effects.


High performance in the 1.0 - 15.0 µm spectral range

Three-stage thermoelectrically cooled

Hyperhemiimmersion microlens technology applied

Long lifetime and MTBF

Stability and reliability

1/f noise

Specification (Ta = 20°C)

Active element material
epitaxial HgCdTe heterostructure
Optimum wavelength λopt, µm
Detectivity D*(λpeak, 20 kHz), cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Detectivity D*(λopt, 20 kHz), cm⋅Hz1/2/W
Current responsivity-optical area length product Riopt)·LO, A·mm/W
Time constant τ, ns
1/f noise corner frequency fc, Hz
Bias voltage-optical area length ratio Vb/LO, V/mm
Resistance R, Ω
Active element tempearture Tdet, K
Optical area AO, mm×mm
0.5×0.5, 1×1, 2×2
TO8, TO66
Acceptance angle, Φ

Spectral response (Ta = 20°C)

Mechanical layout, mm


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