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22 April 2024

Logo of Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju featuring stylized gray letters "BR" on the left and the text "Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju" in red to the right.
The image displays the text "Program strategiczny HYDROSTRATEG" with a stylized chess piece featuring a globe and orbital lines on a light, textured background.

The main objective of the Program is to implement new solutions that improve the efficiency of use and management of water resources in Poland.

The specific goals are:

  1. Increased retention and improvement of water quality (using the principles of sustainable development and sustainable water and wastewater management).
  2. Implementation of new research methods, observations and tools supporting monitoring and assessment of the state of aquatic ecosystems and water-dependent ecosystems.
  3. Increasing the degree of use of waterways for inland navigation, with existing resources.

Select project:
Ongoing project

Development of an innovative photonic water resource monitoring system (FOSMO)

  • Grant Agreement:
  • Duration:
  • Overall budget (Consortium), PLN
  • Eligible costs (konsorcjum), PLN:
  • Funding rate (Consortium), PLN:
  • Project consortium:
  • HYDROSTRATEG1/000E/2022
  • 01/10/2023-31.09.2026
  • 23 962 066,25 PLN
  • 23 962 066,25 PLN
  • 20 214 504,06 PLN
  • VIGO Photonics S.A. , Warsaw University of Technology, European Regional Center for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Grant Agreement: HYDROSTRATEG1/000E/2022
  • Duration: 01/10/2023-31.09.2026
  • Overall budget (Consortium), PLN 23 962 066,25 PLN
  • Eligible costs (konsorcjum), PLN: 23 962 066,25 PLN
  • Funding rate (Consortium), PLN: 20 214 504,06 PLN
  • Project consortium: VIGO Photonics S.A. , Warsaw University of Technology, European Regional Center for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

The goal of the project is to develop a water resources monitoring system implementing newly developed reagentless photonic methods. In the first phase, laboratory measurement methods will be developed and tested, followed by miniature sensor systems implementing them. As the project progresses, accessory components will be developed which, when integrated with the sensors, will create multiparametric probes that are autonomous in terms of power and communication. In parallel, validation procedures will be carried out to confirm the correct operation of the designed sensors and probes.

VIGO Photonics S.A. will be involved in the implementation of the FOSMO project in the following tasks:

  1. Development of sensor-detection systems,
  2. Development of an autonomous sensing probe,
  3. Demonstration and testing of the autonomous measurement probe under the conditions of research platforms.

The project is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the HYDROSTRATEG Program.